Steampunk Wiki

The Candle Man is series is currently comprised of Two books: “The Society of Unrelenting Vigilance  and “The Society of Dread”, with the first published in 2010.


The series stars Theo Wickland, descendent of a Victorian crime fighter who must wear leather gloves or risk melting people with hands. Haveing been kept isolated for most his life, he initially discovers his powers in the first book, as well as the nefarious truth behind his guardians. He promptly gets caught up in a conflict between two secret societies. In the next, he’s become the head of his former enemies' organization, and must stop the plans of the Society of Dread while learning more about the the original Candle Man.

Steampunk Influences[]

The book is set in a London not unlike our own on the surface that’s also home to a secret underworld that blends both Steampunk and fantasy. The enemies in the first book create fog. Meanwhile, the the London underground is full of secret passages and strange machinery, and was once a gathering place for alchemists. In fact, the entire network of tunnels collectively be a single device. Prominent are organizations have names like “The society of Unrelenting Vigilance”,  “Society of Good Works”, the latter of which is not very good, and also responsible for experimenting on the main character, who was forced to spend periods of time in a machine called "the mercy tube". Mad scientists and deformed antagonists are in no short supply. "The Society of Good works" is largely comprised of the former. Aesthetically, Theo’s first friend, Chloe, is depicted wearing wearing a pair of goggles over her paperboy hat. The cover of the second book incorporates plenty of gears into the background.
