There are a few rules that everyone should follow when adding or deleting from this list. First, be sure to enter the names of bands in alphabetical order, not counting articles such as the or a. Second, be sure that your favourite band has an active space on myspace, or an active presence on facebook at the very minimum. If they do not have a homepage, and have not logged in to their space on myspace or their presence on facebook for at least a year, then I will remove their names from the list.
Please be certain that your band is genuinely a steampunk band. There is a lot of room for error in making that call, but generally one may go by their costuming. Steampunk music can be identified on a five point scale. Depending on how many of the criterion the band fills, the more steampunk it is. Bands on the list below should fill at least 2-3.
- They call themselves steampunk.
- Old-fashioned dress or style (Victorian/Edwardian or 20's through 50's for dieselpunk).
- Classical instrumentation elements.
- Fictional (preferably alternate history) backstory.
- Steampunk (sci-fi/historical) lyrics.
Dieselpunk is generally from the twenties through the end of WWII. This era is depicted by the wearing of Fedora hats and other such items of costume from the 1920's through 1949. While there is no place in this wiki devoted specifically to Dieselpunk, I will allow those bands to be listed here, with the proviso that they be labelled as Dieselpunk Bands.
This is an exceptionally long list. It is difficult to maintain and if I removed one of your favourite bands, then it was for a specific cause. If you are wont to dispute my decision, see the talk page for this list. I have kept numerous notes on my editing as I have worked my way through the list. Your cooperation is welcome, as is your offer to communicate your enthusiasm for your favourite band. If you think that your favourite band has been removed unjustly, then by all means, drop me a note on the talk page of this list. Finally, you must be a member and logged in to make changes to this list. If you make a change without logging in or signing up and communicating with me, Billy Catringer, then I will undo your addition as I see fit.
Captain Robert on Being a Steampunk Band[]
The List[]
- Abandoned Toys
- Abney Park
- The Absinthe Drinkers
- The Absinthe Minded Professors
- Aeronautica
- The Aeronauts
- Ague
- Alexandra Hamer
- Alice Moving Under Skies
- Alice's Night Circus
- Amour Obscur
- Armitage Shanks - The Carny Preacher
- Ashcats Soundsystem
- Bad September
- Baron Volt Hazard
- Battle circus
- BB BlackDog
- Beat Circus
- Birthrite
- Blacksteam (
- The Builders and the Butchers
- Cabaret Decadance
- Clockwork Animals (CZ Brno)
- The Cassettes
- Celtica Pipes Rock!
- Cirque Noir
- Charles Von Vitic
- China Steamengine
- Circus Contraption
- The Clockwork Cowards
- The Copperfield Ensemble
- Clockwork Animals
- The Clockwork Dolls
- Clockwork Knotwork
- The Clockwork Quartet
- The Cog is Dead
- Confabulation of Gentry
- Coppelius
- Crystal Bright and the Silver Hands
- Dallian
- Dark Design, The (UK)
- Darwin Prophet
- Deadly Nightshade Botanical Society
- Der Doktor
- DEVM Deus Ex Vapore Machina
- Diablo Swing Orchestra - Dieselpunk
- Die Goetheanistische Tonkunstgesellschaft Schwarzblut
- Die Giftmischer
- The Dirge Carolers
- The Dresden Dolls
- DerMrben
- Doctor Steel - Steampunk/Dieselpunk
- The Dolls of New Albion - Steampunk Opera.
- Drachenflug
- Dr. Carmilla
- Dustin Kahlil Band
- Edward Asbury
- Eibon la Furies
- Eli August
- Emilie Autumn
- Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band
- Ephemeral Mists
- Evelyn Evelyn
- Escape the Clouds
- External Combustion Orchestra
- The Extraordinary Contraptions
- Fandoryne
- Fearless Vampire Killers
- Feline and Strange
- Fermata (see Eli August )
- Frenchy and the Punk
- The Filthy Spectacula
- Gentleman Jim
- Ghostfire
- Gladstone
- Good Co. - Dieselpunk
- The Good Hurt
- GroTTesque (Russia)
- A Halo Called Fred
- The Harlem James Gang
- Held der Arbeit
- The Hellblinki Sextet
- Hollowsteam
- Hot Cocoa
- Hynnner
- Insomniac Folklore
- The Iron Boot Scrapers
- Jarmean?
- Jessnes
- Jig to a Milestone
- Jill Tracy
- Johnny Hollow
- Jon Magnificent
- Kaizers Orchestra
- Kevin Kerrigan
- La Frontera Victoriana
- Lady Laudanum
- The Langer's Ball
- Lee Presson and the Nails - Dieselpunk
- Lies Of The Machine
- Life's Deccay
- Littmus Steampunk Band
- Lolita Dark (Japanese)
- Lobby Lud
- The Lonely Mister Punch
- Lord MontyJacques III
- Maciste
- MAMA RUSSIA (Russia)
- Marquis Of Vaudeville
- The Melting Clock
- The Mechanisms
- The Merchants
- Metropolis
- The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing
- Mikhail Kuyanov / Михаил Куянов (Russia)
- Moth
- Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer
- The Nathaniel Johnstone Band
- Neovenator
- Night Watch Paradox
- Painless Parker
- Paul Shapera - Steampunk/Dieselpunk/Atompunk
- Platform One
- Poplock Holmes and D.J. WattsOn
- Poison Garden
- Professor Elemental
- Psyche Corporation
- Rhubarb Whiskey
- Sangriento
- Scarlet Room
- The Scarring Party
- Spiky
- Steam Powered Giraffe
- Steampunk Stompers
- Steams
- Strowlers
- Sugarland
- Sunday Driver
- Synthetic Dream Foundation, The
- Tales of Nebelheym
- Tenth Stage, The
- Terra Atlantica
- This Way to the Egress
- Tom Slatter
- The Gin Rebellion
- The Iron Boot Scrapers
- The Two Man Gentleman Band
- The Velveteen
- The Violet Tribe
- Thy Last Drop
- Turm & Strang
- Vixy and Tony
- Uhrwerk (no longer exist)
- Unextraordinary Gentlemen
- Unwoman
- Vagabond Opera
- Vagabondage
- The Velveteen
- Venus Lens Cap
- The Verne Duels
- Vera Mesmer
- Vermillion Lies
- Vernian Process
- Veronique Chevalier
- Victoria and the Vaudevillains
- Victor Sierra
- Violet
- Voidfactory
- Voltaire
- Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys
- White Ghost Shivers
- The Widow's Bane